Under the motto “Together we are stronger”, we are glad about our strategic partnership with the largest industry network in Austria, BVL (the “Bundesvereinigung Logistik Österreich” – Austrian Federal Association for Logistics).
The goal consists in jointly aligning all the trends and activities that are useful and basically follow principles of market economy to ecological and social responsibility. Together we are striving for a pioneer role in the development and deployment of an “ECO logistics”.
Volume 1: “Grünbuch der nachhaltigen Logistik” (Green Book of Sustainable Logistics)
“Handbuch für die ressourcenschonende Gestaltung logistischer Prozesse” (Handbook for designing logistic processes in a manner saving resources)
Volume 2: “Nachhaltige Logistik in urbanen Räumen” (Sustainable logistics in urban areas)
- ways to design sustainable supply of new and existing conurbation areas and sustainable waste disposal in these areas;
- requirements placed on “hardware and software”, i.e. the traffic and information systems;
- visionary outlook on future tasks, new business fields and exciting development potentials in logistics;
- selected case studies of solutions for city logistics that have already been implemented;
- presentation of sustainability concepts of renowned companies that have already stood the test in practice