Due to the triumphal march of modern information technology, the working and communication structures and relationships within the companies are increasingly becoming interlinked. Besides value added chains, value creation networks will, in future, be of relevant importance in order to enable companies to be successful on the market. In a dynamic environment, strategic development projects are no longer plannable in a linear manner. Handling what is not plannable is becoming more and more relevant. eccos²² Graduates for Sustainable Development
- analyze and assess companies for management that is sustainable and saves resources (guarantees good housekeeping with resources) by means of the management excellence approach based on internationally recognized sustainability standards and regulations. They will furnish verified information on the status quo of sustainable corporate performance. They stand for a perfect interaction between people, processes and technologies. They support effective corporate growth.
- use their technical and sustainability related competence to accompany companies in the eccos²² assessment process. They are facilitators for the future and support agile development teams. These facilitators for the future focus on linking operational business with sustainable corporate strategy and closely cooperate with top management and the other support partners, e.g. HR (Human Resources) Managers, Environmental, Sustainability, Logistics, Innovation Managers, Marketing and Communication Representatives, customers or suppliers.
Day 1: Fundamentals of corporate quality and management
- corporate quality – approach and benefits;
- fundamental concepts of excellence – the model of criteria;
- excellence model – control loops and assessment;
- development towards excellence – procedure and possibilities of recognition;
Day 2: International sustainability standards & regulations of eccos²²
- introduction, fundamentals and backgrounds of the management system CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility);
- terms, definitions, delimitations;
- international standards and regulations and guides, e.g. ISO 26000, ISO 14001, ONR 192500 (Rule of Austrian Standards), SA 8000 (Social Accountability), SR 10 (Social Responsibility), GRI Standards (Global Reporting Initiative), AA1000 (AccountAbility);
- ways of implementation
Place: among other things Linz, Vienna, Bregenz (as needed) If there are 5 participants and more, this further training can also be conducted within a company. More detailed information upon request: b.schram@eccostandards.com
Day 1: Fundamentals of corporate quality and management
- corporate quality – approach and benefits;
- fundamental concepts of excellence – the model of criteria;
- excellence model – control loops and assessment;
- development towards excellence – procedure and possibilities of recognition;
Day 2: International sustainability standards & regulations of eccos²²
- introduction, fundamentals and backgrounds of the management system CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility);
- terms, definitions, delimitations;
- international standard and regulations and guides, e.g. ISO 26000, ISO 14001, ONR 192500 (Rule of Austrian Standards), SA 8000 (Social Accountability), SR 10 (Social Responsibility), GRI Standards (Global Reporting Initiative), AA1000 (AccountAbility);
- ways of implementation
Day 3: assessment of corporate quality (consolidation of Day 1)
- EFQM Excellence Model: interrelations and control loops;
- RADAR Logic: assessment, methodology, use;
- drawing up and assessing a self-assessment;
Day 4: stakeholder dialog/context/value creation networks
- linkage with the different international standards (SA 8000 (Social Accountability));
- stakeholder dialog and involvement/commitment (AA 1000 (AccountAbility));
- tools and methods of the stakeholder dialog;
- impact (effect, measurement using the IOOI method) and value added chain;
- trends for the future and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) as an innovation driver (circular economy, cradle to cradle), SDG´s (Sustainable Development Goals);
Place: among other things Linz, Vienna, Bregenz (as needed) If there are 5 participants and more, this further training can also be conducted within a company. More detailed information upon request: b.schram@eccostandards.com
Part 1 / Assessment Model Module 1: Fundamentals of corporate quality Focused introduction into the principles of corporate quality and excellence Prerequisites: understanding of entrepreneurial interrelations, courage to improve and bring about social innovation, will to eliminate deep-rooted patterns of thinking Contents:
- corporate quality – approach and benefits (new in 2020);
- fundamental concepts of excellence – the model of criteria (new in 2020);
- EFQM Excellence Model (new in 2020) – control loops and assessment;
- development towards excellence – procedure and recognition
Date: January 23, 2020, from 09.00 to17.00 Contact Module 2: Assessment of corporate quality Consolidation of knowledge of the EFQM Excellence approach (new in 2020) and assessment of the company using the RADAR Logic. Contents:
- EFQM Excellence Model (EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management, new in 2020): interrelations and control loops;
- RADAR Logic (EFQM, new in 2020): assessment, methodology, use;
- drawing up and assessment of a self-image
For the second part, the participants will be given a case study. This study is the prerequisite for participation in the course “Assessor Corporate Quality (Excellence)”, Modules 3+4 Date: January 24, 2020, from 09.00 to17.00 Contact Modules 3 + 4: Assessor Corporate Quality (Excellence), including examination Prerequisites: control of the subject matter learned in Modules 1+2 Contents:
- assessing corporate quality (excellence), assessment in a team;
- consolidation of knowledge of the EFQM Excellence Model and RADAR Logic (EFQM, new in 2020);
- understanding of the organization, key information;
- assessment in detail, consolidation, site visit, feedback report and presentation of the results
Date: March 05 and 06, 2020, every time 09.00 to 17.00 h Contact Contents of the examination: The contents of the examination refer to Modules 1 and 2. The examination will be made in parallel to the course. The following will be assessed: the case study from preparation, collaboration during the course as well as the team exercises. Certificate: QualityAustria Assessor Business Excellence Validity: 3 years, then refresher training PART 2 / Holistic Quality Management & Sustainability / CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Module 5: Perspectives of eccos²² relating to social and economic policies Prerequisite: Modules 1-4 Contents
- introduction, fundamentals, history, perspective relating to social and economic policies / background of the management system CSR;
- terms, definitions, delimitations;
- international standards and regulations and guides, e.g. ISO 26000, ISO 14001, ONR 192500 (Rule of Austrian Standards), SA 8000 (Social Accountability), SR 10 (Social Responsibility), GRI Standards (Global Reporting Initiative), AA1000 (AccountAbility);
- change management using the management system CSR and the strategy of decoupling corporate growth from resource consumption;
- deployment of the strategy and value management in organizational development from different points of view (HR (Human Resources), QM (Quality Management), EMS (Environmental Management System), TM (Top Management))
Date: April 24, 2020, from 09.00 to 17.00 Contact Module 6: Stakeholder dialog eccos22 Assessment Contents:
- stakeholder dialog and involvement / commitment (AA 1000) (AccountAbility);
- linkage with the different international standards / regulations and guidelines and directives (ISO 26000, ISO 14001, ONR 192500 (Rule of Austrian Standards), SA 8000 (Social Accountability));
- tools and methods of the stakeholder dialog;
- eccos²² Assessment (internal and external assessment);
- the way to eccos²² – maturity of corporate culture;
- the task, function and role of the different players (HR (Human Resources), QM (Quality Management), EMS (Environmental Management System), Facility Management) in the context of the CSR corporate development program;
- impacts and benefits of eccos22 on and for the different areas and stakeholders;
- the way to the eccos²² Certificate and Quality Seal;
- preparation and handing-out of peer group work (preparation of a self-assessments)
Date: April 24, 2020, from 09.00 to 17.00 Contact Module 7: Utilization of a company’s system performance to the inside and outside Prerequisite: Modules 5 + 6 Contents:
- indicators and reporting / GRI Standards (Global Reporting Initiative) and validation made by QA;
- report about non-financial factors / NADIVEG (“Nachhaltigkeits- und Diversitätsverbesserungsgesetz” – Act on Improvement of Sustainability and Diversity);
- the future of sustainability reporting;
- reporting & SDG‘s (Sustainable Development Goals);
- communication of Quality Seals / ISO to the inside and outside;
- eccos22 as a holistic management system in the context of reporting and organizational development
Date: May 28, 2020, from 09.00 to17.00 Contact Module 8: Tools & methods for implementing system performance Contents:
- significance and effectiveness of the CSR Management system;
- impact, measurement (IOOI) and value added chain;
- trends for the future and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) as an innovation driver
eccos²² & Business Development
- overview of the procedure at first contacts, network marketing, etc.; didactic approaches in the context of consulting and eccos²² Business Development (uniform corporate communication / FAQ´s (Frequently Asked Questions));
- consultants and assessors, task, function and role at a glance;
- framework conditions and fees of Quality Austria and assessors and consultants of ECCOStandards & More KG
Date: May 29, 2020, from 09.00 to 17.00 Contact Module 9: Presentation of the projects – reflection (examination) – awarding Certificates Contents:
- examinations (project presentations);
- assessor & consultant alumni and calibrations;
- handing over of eccos²² documentation and the eccos²² License
Throughout the course, 8 hours of coaching will be at your disposal. Further details: b.schram@eccos22.com