How do organizations successful worldwide face the challenges of globalization, digitization and other mega-trends?
On November 9 & 10, 2016, the congress World Market Leaders in Austria in the “Tagungszentrum” (Conference Centre) Schönbrunn in Vienna, Austria, Europe, gives the opportunity of learning from and with the best. The Austrian companies most successful on an international scale will present their success models and give insight into the processes that they use to profit from the changes. The congress particularly serves to show how companies leading on the world market handle the social trends, such as DIGITIZATION, DISRUPTION, DYNAMICS or DIVERSITY, and can optimally put them to use.
Priority CSR
The second afternoon of the congress “World Market Leaders in Austria” will mainly be devoted to CSR. The programme of this part of the congress will start with an opening keynote speech (the speaker is still being requested) and will then deal with the topic of “sustainable entrepreneurship in a globalized world – are value creation, value added and differentiation still possible at all?” The relevant discussions will be led by Dr. René Schmidpeter – CSR Dialogue Forum. Additional contents of the focal topic will be formed by sustainable communication, sustainable product design and energy management. The panel discussion before the break will have a financial focus and illuminate the importance of CSR in the balance sheet. The workshop after the break will close interactively, best practice examples being given by DI Dr. Christian Plas of denkstatt.
Here you can find an overview of the programme again:
November 10, 2016, 13:30 to 17:00
13:30: Opening keynote, which will be held by Dr. Franz Fischler (requested)
13:45: Sustainable entrepreneurship in a globalized world – are value creation, value added and differentiation still possible at all? Dr. René Schmidpeter, CSR Dialogue Forum
14:15: “Getting to the top with entrepreneurial responsibility”
– sustainability communication: labelling and reporting
– sustainable product design: myth or competitive edge?
– going into the future efficiently: energy management in its most refined way
14:45: Panel discussion: CSR in the balance sheet. No data, no talk. Dr. René Schmidpeter, CSR Dialogue Forum / Michael Bauer-Leeb, WEITSICHT OG
15:30: BREAK
15:50: Workshop: Discuss on the basis of two best practice topics of your choice. DI Dr. Christian Plas, denkstatt GmbH
Programme highlights of the congress
The programme of the whole congress will offer exciting lectures, which will deal with such topics as economic prospects for 2017 (Chief Economist Mag. Stefan Bruckbauer), hidden champions – immune to mega-trends (Dr. Thomas Haller) or evolution in recruiting (Mag. Günther Tengel). Hackathon powered by PALFINGER together with students of Vienna University of Economics and Business and Vienna Technical University will show tomorrow’s business models. The interactive streams of topics that can be chosen will show insights into disruptive innovations of the future with Andreas Weinberger – General Manager of Uber, the success concept of crowd business with Dr. Reinhard Willfort and the impacts and necessity of CSR within a company in a special of the day.
Register for the CSR Special on November 10, 2016, from 13:30 free of charge and secure your exclusive ticket for the two days on the World Market Leader Congress for € 250.-. Simply send an e-mail to Nefize Can ( and secure your ticket.