Management Assessment

The eccos²² Management Assessment furnishes verified information on the status quo of corporate performance leading up to a perfect interaction between people and processes. As an integrated management system, it is, to the state of the art, based on international standards, among other things OECD principles for multinational corporations (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), UN Global Compact and the EFQM Model (European Foundation for Quality Management). This has helped to create an internationally recognized tool for the assessment of economic, ecological and social responsibility of companies, no matter in what industry they are operating and how big they are.

In addition, the requirements for international and federally recognized certification and the Quality Seal eccos²² are created. This helps to acknowledge to all stakeholders that the company reviewed would like to have a positive impact by means of the company’s business activities. This helps companies to lay the best basis for imparting strategies, goals and values, strengthening employer branding and achieving full credibility.

Increase your position among partners, investors, consumers and in the public. The eccos²² Quality Seal is the first international award whose presentation is based on an objectivized process.

  • companies operating on an international scale (export and import, above all in production) in all fields of industry,
  • companies that want to enlarge their international B2B (business-to-business) transactions and want to be seen as Austrian Sustainable World Class Partners,
  • companies that want to design their business performance proactively so that donors and investors are interested in the respective company
  • intensive increase in the chance to obtain orders at international business transactions in the public sector and in terms of B2B (business-to-business) activities;
  • increase in acceptability and trust among authorities, banks and public donors;
  • increase in transparency in the supply chain and minimizing of risk;
  • cost and competitive advantages enabled by the fact that resource consumption and growth are decoupled;
  • professionalization of the stakeholder dialog in order to strengthen the relationships with the market;
  • start of an internal project for self-organized and self-controlled organizational learning with the aim to increase autonomy, readiness to perform and commitment.

The eccos²² Management Assessment leads over a multi-stage process. At the start, there will be a personal information meeting and a subsequent analyzing meeting with a duration of approx. 4 hours.  At these meetings, all requirements and framework conditions as well as the organization’s status quo will be clarified. After this preliminary review made by independent assessors, it will be defined whether and at what moment a main assessment will be useful. Only then will the comprehensive analyzing and assessment process start. Independent assessors of Quality Austria as well as certified analysts and consultants will review all factors for eccos²².

8. Jährliches Fortschrittsassessment
7. Verleihung des Gütesiegels
6. Sichtung durch Steuerungskommitee
5. Durchführung des Gütesiegels
4. Selfassessment
3. Workshop mit Geschäftsführung
2. Vorgespräche inkl. Voranalyse
1. Informationsgespräch

The federal Quality Seal will be awarded in 4 stages by the 4 CSR Dialogforum and Quality Austria:

  • Committed to eccos²² excellence – Bronze
  • Recognized to eccos²² excellence – Silver
  • eccos²² excellence – Gold
  • eccos²² leadership – Platinum
